Shareholder Services


2024/12/24 Board approves leasing real estate to subsidiaries TUNG KANG STEEL STRUCTURE CORP., TUNG KANG WIND POWER CORP.,and TUNG KANG ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CORP.

1.Name and nature of the underlying asset (e.g., land located at Sublot XX, Lot XX,
  North District, Taichung City):
  (1).Part of the 8th floor, No. 9, Section 1, Chang'an East Road, Taipei City.
  (2).Part of the 9th floor, No. 9, Section 1, Chang'an East Road, Taipei City.
  (3).Part of the 1st and 2nd floors, Administrative Building, Bade Plant, No. 540, Section
       2, Jieshou Road, Bade District, Taoyuan City.
  (4).No. 18, Lane 582, Section 2, Jieshou Road, Bade District, Taoyuan City.
2.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/12/24
3.Transaction unit amount (e.g.XX square meters, equivalent to XX ping), unit price, and
   total transaction price:
        (A).Transaction Quantity:Lease of the office located on the 8th floor of No. 9,
              Section 1, Chang'an East Road, Taipei City, with an area of approximately 84 ping.
        (B).Unit price:From January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, the monthly rent is NT$123,480 (including tax).
        (C).Total Transaction Amount:The right-of-use asset amount is NT$1,481,760 (including tax).
   (2).Subsidiary:TUNG KANG WIND POWER CORP.
        (A).Transaction Quantity:Lease of the office located on the 9th floor of No. 9, Section 1,
              Chang'an East Road, Taipei City, with an area of approximately 2 ping.
        (B).Unit price:From January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, the monthly rent is NT$2,000 (including tax).
        (C).Total Transaction Amount: The right-of-use asset amount is NT$24,000 (including tax).
        (A).Transaction Quantity:Lease of the office located on the 9th floor of No. 9, Section 1,
    Chang'an East Road, Taipei City, with an area of approximately 2 ping.
   (B).Unit price:From January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, the monthly rent is NT$2,000 (including tax).
        (C).Total Transaction Amount: The right-of-use asset amount is NT$24,000 (including tax).
        (A).Transaction Quantity:Lease of part of the 1st and 2nd floors of the administrative
              building at No. 540, Section 2, Jieshou Road, Bade District, Taoyuan City (Bade Plant),
              with an area of approximately 138.58 ping.
        (B).Unit price:From January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, the monthly rent is NT$33,259 (including tax).
        (C).Total Transaction Amount: The right-of-use asset amount is NT$399,108 (including tax).
        (A).Transaction Quantity: Lease of the property located at No. 18, Lane 582, Section 2,
              Jieshou Road, Bade District, Taoyuan City, with an area of approximately 48 ping.
        (B).Unit price:From January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025, the monthly rent is NT$10,000 (including tax).
        (C).Total Transaction Amount: The right-of-use asset amount is NT$120,000 (including tax).
4.Trading counterparty and its relationship with the Company (if the trading counterparty
   is a natural person and furthermore is not a related party of the Company, the name of
   the trading counterparty is not required to be disclosed):
   (1).Trading counterparty:
   (2).Relationship with the Company:parent company.
         (A).Subsidiary of the Company.
         (B).Subsidiary of the Company.
         (C).Subsidiary invested by the Company.
5.Where the trading counterparty is a related party, announcement shall also be made of the reason
   for choosing the related party as trading counterparty and the identity of the previous owner, its
   relationship with the Company and the trading counterparty, and the previous date and monetary
   amount of transfer:
   (1).Reason for selecting the transaction party:In alignment with the company's comprehensive
        strategic planning and management considerations.
   (2).The identity of the previous owner:None.
   (3).Its relationship with the Company and the trading counterparty:None.
   (4).The previous date and monetary amount of transfer:None.
6.Where an owner of the underlying assets within the past five years has been a related
   party of the Company, the announcement shall also include the date and price of acquisition
   and disposal by the related party, and its relationship with the Company at the time of the
   transaction:Not applicable.
7.Projected gain (or loss) through disposal (not applicable for acquisition of assets; those with
   deferral should provide a table explaining recognition):Not applicable.
8.Terms of delivery or payment (including payment period and monetary amount), restrictive
   covenants in the contract, and other important terms and conditions:
   (1).Payment terms:as stipulated in the contract.
   (2).Lease Term: January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.
   (3).Transaction Amount: NT$2,048,868 (including tax).
   (4).Contractual restrictions and other important covenants: None.
9.The manner of deciding on this transaction (such as invitation to tender, price comparison,
    or price negotiation), the reference basis for the decision on price, and the decision-making unit:
    (1).Reference Basis for Price Determination: Pricing is determined based on surrounding rental
         market conditions, with negotiations conducted by the management unit.
    (2).Decision-Making Authority: Subject to review by the Audit Committee and resolution by
         the Board of Directors.
10.Name of the professional appraisal firm or company and its appraisal price:Not applicable.
11.Name of the professional appraiser:Not applicable. 12.Practice certificate number of the professional
     appraiser:Not applicable.
13.The appraisal report has a limited price, specific price, or special price:Not applicable.
14.An appraisal report has not yet been obtained:Not applicable.
15.Reason for an appraisal report not being obtained:Not applicable.
16.Reason for any significant discrepancy with the appraisal reports and opinion of the CPA:Not applicable.
17.Name of the CPA firm:Not applicable.
18.Name of the CPA:Not applicable.
19.Practice certificate number of the CPA:Not applicable.
20.Broker and broker's fee:Not applicable.
21.Concrete purpose or use of the acquisition or disposal:
    (1).Leasing of Office Space: For use as a business premises.
    (2).Foreign Worker Accommodation: Located at No. 18, Lane 582, Section 2, Jieshou
         Road, Bade District, Taoyuan City.
22.Any dissenting opinions of directors to the present transaction:None.
23.Whether the counterparty of the current transaction is a related party:Yes.
24.Date of the board of directors resolution:2024/12/24
25.Date of ratification by supervisors or approval by the audit committee:2024/12/24
26.The transaction is to acquire a real property or right-of-use asset from a related party:No.
27.The price assessed in accordance with the Article 16 of the Regulations Governing the Acquisition
     and Disposal of Assets by Public Companies:Not applicable.
28.Where the above assessed price is lower than the transaction price, the price assessed in accordance
     with the Article 17 of the same regulations:Not applicable.
29.Any other matters that need to be specified:
     This lease agreement was approved by the Audit Committee of the parent company,
     TUNG HO STEEL ENTERPRISE CORP. on December 24, 2024, and subsequently approved
     by the Board of Directors on the same date before proceeding with the signing. The three
     subsidiaries will separately seek ratification at their most recent Board of Directors meetings.

2024/11/21 Announcement related to the change of business location of the company's stock affairs agency "Yuanta Securities Co., Ltd. Registrar & Transfer Department"

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/11/21
2.Company name:Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp.
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”):head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:Not applicable.
5.Cause of occurrence: The company's stock affairs agency ”Yuanta Securities Co., Ltd. Registrar & Transfer Department”
   has changed its business location since December 9, 2024, and the new address and contact number are listed in detail.
   as follows: (1)Address: B1F., No. 67, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106. (2)Tel: (02) 2586-5859
6.Countermeasures: From December 09, 2024 (Monday), all shareholders of the company will contact for stock transfer,
   interest payment or allotment, change of address, loss report of stock, cancellation of pledge setting, change of seal or
   report of loss and For other matters related to stock affairs, please visit or mail to the new address ” B1F., No. 67, Sec. 2,
   Dunhua S. Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106” for handling.
7.Any other matters that need to be specified (the information disclosure also meets the requirements of Article 7, subparagraph
    9 of the Securities and Exchange Act Enforcement Rules, which brings forth a significant impact on shareholders
    rights or the price of the securities on public companies.): None.

2024/10/29 The event which we shall announce according to the Article 22 of Regulations Governing Loaning of Funds and Making of Endorsements/Guarantees by Public Companies.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/10/29
2.Funding recipient name, relationship with lender, lending limit (thousand NTD), starting outstanding
   balance (thousand NTD), new loan (thousand NTD), is it part of a scheduled allocation or revolving
   limit for the same recipient that the chairman is authorized by the board of directors to allocate,
   outstanding balance (thousand NTD) up to the date of occurrence, reason for new loan (thousand NTD):
   (1) The company name:Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd.
   (2) It's relationship with the Company:Our subsidiary of 100% direct investment.
   (3)Ceiling amount on the monetary loans extended(thousand NTD):NT$3,030,533.
   (4)Amount of loans originally extended(thousand NTD):NT$1,582,500.
   (5)Amount of the current additional loans(thousand NTD):NT$633,000.
   (6)Whether the board of directors authorizes the chairman to allocate loans in installments or revolving
       funds for the same loan and object:YES.
   (7)Total extended amount of loans(thousand NTD):NT$2,215,500.
   (8)The reason for loans as of the date of occurrence of the event: For operation.
3.For collaterals provided by the loan recipient, the content and the value (thousand NTD):None.
4.For the latest financial reports of the loan recipient, the capital (thousand NTD) and the cumulative
   gains/losses(thousand NTD):
   (1)Capital(thousand NTD):NT$6,782,773
   (2)Cumulative gains/losses(thousand NTD):-NT$3,543,724
5.Method of calculation of interest: The capital loan interest rate shall be calculated based on the
   average interest rate of the company's monthly USD short-term loan plus 5%.
6.For repayment, the condition and the date:
   (1)Condition:Due repayment.
   (2)Date:Not yet determined.
7.The amount of monetary loans extended to others as of the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$2,215,500.
8.The total amount of monetary loans extended to others as a percentage of the public company’s net worth
   on the latest financial statements as of the date of occurrence:7.31%
9.Sources of funds for the company to extend monetary loans to others:Others.
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:
     (1)The source of loaning funds is self-owned funding of the Company.
     (2)The amount of this loan was the credit line approved by the Board of Directors.
     (3)The exchange rate of USD was 31.65 from the end of September 2024.
     (4)The exchange rate of VND was 0.001283 from the end of September 2024.

2024/10/29 The event which we shall announce according to the Article 25 of Regulations Governing Loaning of Funds and Making of Endorsements/Guarantees by Public Companies.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/10/29
2.For the company for whom the endorsements/guarantees were made, please specify
   name of endorsed/guaranteed company, its relationship with the Company providing
   endorsements/guarantees, the ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD),
   the original amount of endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD), the amount of the current
   additional endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD), the amount of endorsements/guarantees
   as of the date of occurrence (thousand NTD), the actual loaned amount of the company for
   whom endorsements/guarantees were made (thousand NTD), and the reason for the current
   additional endorsements/guarantees:
   (1)The company name:Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd.
   (2)It's relationship with the Company:Our subsidiary of 100% direct investment.
   (3)The ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees(thousand NTD): NT$15,152,667
   (4)The original amount of endorsements/guarantees(thousand NTD):NT$11,014,200
   (5)The amount of the current additional endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):NT$1,772,400
   (6)The amount of endorsements/guarantees as of the date of occurrence of the event(thousand NTD):NT$12,786,600
   (7)The actual loaned amount of the company who was made the endorsements /guarantees(thousand NTD):NT$3,404,970
   (8)The reason for the current additional endorsements/guarantees:
       The bank loan contracts of Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd. need to be renewed, and these cases were approved
       by our board of directors. Due to adopting the earlier time to make the announcement,therefore,the time of
       endorsements/guarantees were overlapped and reached the standard of the announcement.
3.For collaterals provided by the company for whom the endorsements/guarantees were made, the content and the
   value (thousand NTD): None.
4.For the latest financial statements of the company for whom the endorsements/guarantees were made, the Capital
   (thousand NTD) and Cumulative gains/losses (thousand NTD):
   (1)Capital(thousand NTD):NT$6,782,773
   (2)Cumulative gains/losses(thousand NTD):-NT$3,543,724
5.For termination of endorsement/guarantee obligations, the condition and the date:
   (1)Condition:When Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd. cancels the loan's facility with the bank, we can cancel it's
       responsibility of the guarantee.
   (2)Date:When Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd. cancels the loan's facilitywith the bank.
6.The total amount of the ceiling on endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD): NT$15,152,667
7.The total amount of endorsements/guarantees as of the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$12,952,763
8.The amount of endorsements/guarantees as a percentage of the public company’s net worth on the latest
   financial report as of the date of occurrence:42.74%
9.The aggregate amount of equity method investments, endorsements/guarantees, and monetary loans extended
   to others as a percentage of the public company’s net worth on the latest financial statements:59.02%
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:
    The exchange rate of USD was 31.65 from the end of September 2024.
    The exchange rate of VND was 0.001283 from the end of September 2024.

2024/10/29 Announcement of the company's consolidated financial report for 2024 third quarter has been approved by the board of directors.

1.Date of submission to the board of directors or approval by the board of directors:2024/10/29
2.Date of approval by the audit committee:2024/10/29
3.Start and end dates of financial reports or annual self-assessed financial information of the
   reporting period (XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX): 2024/01/01~2024/09/30
4.Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):45,150,606
5.Gross profit (loss) from operations accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):6,257,036
6.Net operating income (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):4,306,228
7.Profit (loss) before tax accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):4,280,320
8.Profit (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):3,369,453
9.Profit (loss) during the period attributable to owners of parent accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period
   (thousand NTD):3,335,858
10.Basic earnings (loss) per share accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (NTD):4.57
11.Total assets end of the period (thousand NTD):55,290,834
12.Total liabilities end of the period (thousand NTD):23,698,720
13.Equity attributable to owners of parent end of the period (thousand NTD):31,481,982
14.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/10/21 Announcing that subsidiary TUNG KANG ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CORP.has entered into a lease agreement with Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp., a related party.

1.Name and nature of the underlying asset (e.g., land located at Sublot XX, Lot XX, North District, Taichung City):
    1.Partial factories and land of Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corporation.
    2.No. 540, Sec. 2, Jieshou Rd., Bade Dist., Taoyuan City 334029, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
2.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/10/21
3.Transaction unit amount (e.g.XX square meters, equivalent to XX ping), unit price, and total transaction price:
    (1).Transaction unit amount: Lease of factory and land area totaling 2,500 ping.
    (2).Unit price:
         (1)Lease of factory and land from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2027, with a monthly rent of NT$1,050,000
             (including tax).”
         (2)Lease of factory and land from January 1, 2028, to December 31, 2030, with a monthly rent of NT$1,102,500
             (including tax).
         (3)Lease of factory and land from January 1, 2031, to December 31, 2034, with a monthly rent of NT$1,157,625
             (including tax).
     (3).Total transaction amount: Right-of-use asset amount:NT$106,730,945.
4.Trading counterparty and its relationship with the Company (if the trading counterparty is a natural person and furthermore
    is not a related party of the Company, the name of the trading counterparty is not required to be disclosed):
     (1).Trading counterparty: Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp.
     (2).Relationship with the Company:parent company.
5.Where the trading counterparty is a related party, announcement shall also be made of the reason for choosing the related
   party as trading counterparty and the identity of the previous owner, its relationship with the Company and the trading
   counterparty, and the previous date and monetary amount of transfer:
     (1).Reason for selecting the transaction party: Aligned with the company's strategic planning and management considerations.
     (2).The identity of the previous owner:None.
     (3).Its relationship with the Company and the trading counterparty:None.
     (4).The previous date and monetary amount of transfer:None.
6.Where an owner of the underlying assets within the past five years has been a related party of the Company, the announcement
    shall also include the date and price of acquisition and disposal by the related party, and its relationship with the Company at
    the time of the transaction:Not applicable.
7.Projected gain (or loss) through disposal (not applicable for acquisition of assets; those with deferral should provide a table
    explaining recognition):Not applicable.
8.Terms of delivery or payment (including payment period and monetary amount), restrictive covenants in the contract, and other
    important terms and conditions:
     (1).Payment terms:as stipulated in the contract.
     (2).Lease Term: January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2034.
     (3).Transaction Amount: NT$106,730,945.
     (4).Contractual restrictions and other important covenants: None.
9.The manner of deciding on this transaction (such as invitation to tender, price comparison, or price negotiation), the reference
   basis for the decision on price, and the decision-making unit:
     (1).Reference basis for price determination: refer to market conditions.
     (2).Decision-making unit:Board of Directors of Parent and Subsidiary.
10.Name of the professional appraisal firm or company and its appraisal price:Not applicable.
11.Name of the professional appraiser:Not applicable.
12.Practice certificate number of the professional appraiser:Not applicable.
13.The appraisal report has a limited price, specific price, or special price:Not applicable.
14.An appraisal report has not yet been obtained:Not applicable.
15.Reason for an appraisal report not being obtained:Not applicable.
16.Reason for any significant discrepancy with the appraisal reports and opinion of the CPA:Not applicable.
17.Name of the CPA firm:Not applicable.
18.Name of the CPA:Not applicable.
19.Practice certificate number of the CPA:Not applicable.
20.Broker and broker's fee:Not applicable.
21.Concrete purpose or use of the acquisition or disposal: Self-use business premises use.
22.Any dissenting opinions of directors to the present transaction:None.
23.Whether the counterparty of the current transaction is a related party:Yes.
24.Date of the board of directors resolution:2024/10/21
25.Date of ratification by supervisors or approval by the audit committee:2024/10/21
26.The transaction is to acquire a real property or right-of-use asset from a related party:Yes.
27.The price assessed in accordance with the Article 16 of the Regulations Governing the Acquisition and Disposal of Assets
    by Public Companies:Not applicable.
28.Where the above assessed price is lower than the transaction price, the price assessed in accordance with the Article 17
    of the same regulations:Not applicable.
29.Any other matters that need to be specified:
    (1).This lease agreement shall be executed only after obtaining the approval of the Audit Committee of the parent company,
         Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corporation, on October 29, 2024, and the subsequent approval of the Board of Directors on the
         same date.
    (2).The parent company, Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corporation, shall complete the repairs on the leased facility and hand it over
         to TUNG KANG ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CORP. for use by December 31, 2024, upon which rent collection will
         commence. If the repairs are not completed by this date, the lease term agreed upon in the ”Factory Lease Agreement”
         signed by both parties on June 6, 2023,is to be extended until the facility handover date. A supplemental agreement will be
         established by both parties to define these terms.

2024/10/21 Announcement the date of the board of directors that will approve the company's consolidated financial report for the third quarter of 2024.

1.Date of a notice of the board of directors meeting is issued:2024/10/21
2.Expected date of the board of directors meeting is convened:2024/10/29
3.Expected year and quarter of the financial reports or the annual self-assessed financial information submitted to the board
   of directors or approved by the board of directors: Consolidated financial report for 2024 third quarter.
4.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/7/30 The event which we shall announce according to the Article 25 of Regulations Governing Loaning of Funds and Making of Endorsements/Guarantees by Public Companies.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/07/30
2.The public company whose balance of endorsements/guarantees reaches 50 percent or
   more of its net worth on the latest financial statements.Please specify name of endorsed/
   guaranteed company, relationship, reason for endorsements/guarantees up to the date of
   occurrence, ceiling on endorsement/guarantee (thousand NTD), starting balance of endorsement
   /guarantee (thousand NTD), balance of endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence,
   amount accessed by endorsed company (thousand NTD), new endorsement/guarantee (thousand NTD)
   and the reason for new endorsement/guarantee:
   A. First
       (1)The company name:Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd.
       (2)It's relationship with the Company:Our subsidiary of 100% direct investment.
       (3)The reason for endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence:
            Bank financing line guarantees.
       (4)The ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees(thousand NTD):NT$14,589,742
       (5)Starting balance of endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):NT$11,746,900
       (6)Balance of endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$16,322,350
       (7)Amount accessed by endorsed company (thousand NTD):NT$3,608,922
       (8)New endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):NT$4,575,450
       (9)Reason for new endorsements/guarantees:
           (A)The bank loan contracts need to be renewed.
           (B)To facilitate operational cash flow needs, an increase in the loan limit is required.
      (1)The company name:FUJIAN SINO-JAPAN METAL CORP.
      (2)It's relationship with the Company:Ultimate parent entity
      (3)The reason for endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence:Bank financing line guarantees
      (4)The ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees(thousand NTD):NT$14,589,742
      (5)Starting balance of endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD): NT$170,363
      (6)Balance of endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$170,363
      (7)Amount accessed by endorsed company (thousand NTD):NT$170,363
      (8)New endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):NT$0
      (9)Reason for new endorsements/guarantees:None.
3.The total amount of the ceiling on endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):NT$14,589,742
4.The total amount of endorsements/guarantees as of the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$16,492,713
5.As of the date of occurrence, the amount of endorsements/guarantees as a percentage of the public
   company’s net worth on the latest financial statements:56.52%
6.Any other matters that need to be specified:
   (1)The bank loan contracts of Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd. need to be renewed, and these cases
        were approved by our board of directors. Due to adopting the earlier time to make the announcement,
        therefore, the time of endorsements/guarantees were overlapped, In fact no more than 50% of net assets.
   (2)The exchange rate of USD was 32.45 from the end of June 2024.

2024/7/30 Announcement of the company's consolidated financial report for 2024 second quarter has been approved by the board of directors.

1.Date of submission to the board of directors or approval by the board of directors:2024/07/30
2.Date of approval by the audit committee:2024/07/30
3.Start and end dates of financial reports or annual self-assessed financial information of the reporting
   period (XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX):2024/01/01~2024/06/30
4.Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):30,281,012
5.Gross profit (loss) from operations accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):4,241,108
6.Net operating income (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):2,946,204
7.Profit (loss) before tax accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):2,961,475
8.Profit (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):2,275,750
9.Profit (loss) during the period attributable to owners of parent accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period
   (thousand NTD):2,255,569
10.Basic earnings (loss) per share accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (NTD):3.09
11.Total assets end of the period (thousand NTD):55,301,162
12.Total liabilities end of the period (thousand NTD):24,898,977
13.Equity attributable to owners of parent end of the period (thousand NTD):30,305,334
14.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/7/22 Our subsidiary,TUNG KANG WIND POWER CORP., announces the cancellation of the investment project for the construction of the E-dReg energy storage system.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/07/22
2.Date of the original announcement and reporting:2023/04/11
3.Summary of the content originally announced and reported:
   1.Our subsidiary, TUNG KANG WIND POWER CORP., plans to set up a 100MW
      battery energy storage system in the Longgang Industrial Park in Miaoli.
   2.Projected monetary amount of the investment: Approximately NTD5,700,000,000.
4.Reasons for the change and its main content: Due to significant changes in the energy
   storage market, the market conditions and risks are very different from when the investment
   project was approved. After reassessment, we have decided to terminate this investment project.
5.Effect on the Company's finance and business after the change:
   There will be no significant impact on our company's finances or operations.
6.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/7/22 Announcement the date of the board of directors that will approve the company's consolidated financial report for the second quarter of 2024.

1.Date of a notice of the board of directors meeting is issued:2024/07/22
2.Expected date of the board of directors meeting is convened:2024/07/30
3.Expected year and quarter of the financial reports or the annual self-assessed
   financial information submitted to the board of directors or approved by the
   board of directors: Consolidated financial report for 2024 second quarter.
4.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/05/24 Important resolutions of 2024 shareholders' meeting.

1.Date of the shareholders meeting:2024/05/24
2.Important resolutions (1)Profit distribution/ deficit compensation:
   Ratified the proposal for distribution of 2023 profits.
3.Important resolutions (2)Amendments to the corporate charter:None.
4.Important resolutions (3)Business report and financial statements:
   To approve admitting the business reports and financial statements of 2023.
5.Important resolutions (4)Elections for board of directors and supervisors:None.
6.Important resolutions (5)Any other proposals:
   (1)To approve discussion of amendments to the ”Procedures of Derivatives Trading”.
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/4/30 Announcement of the company's consolidated financial report for 2024 first quarter has been approved by the board of directors.

1.Date of submission to the board of directors or approval by the board of directors:2024/04/30
2.Date of approval by the audit committee:2024/04/30
3.Start and end dates of financial reports or annual self-assessed financial information of the reporting period
   (XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX): 2024/01/01~2024/03/31
4.Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):14,846,311
5.Gross profit (loss) from operations accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):2,034,074
6.Net operating income (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):1,405,941
7.Profit (loss) before tax accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):1,405,755
8.Profit (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):1,106,702
9.Profit (loss) during the period attributable to owners of parent accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period
   (thousand NTD):1,098,050
10.Basic earnings (loss) per share accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (NTD):1.50
11.Total assets end of the period (thousand NTD):56,677,763
12.Total liabilities end of the period (thousand NTD):27,377,005
13.Equity attributable to owners of parent end of the period (thousand NTD):29,179,484
14.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/4/30 The event which we shall announce according to the Article 22 of Regulations Governing Loaning of Funds and Making of Endorsements/Guarantees by Public Companies.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/04/30
2.Funding recipient name, relationship with lender, lending limit (thousand NTD), starting outstanding balance
  (thousand NTD), new loan (thousand NTD), is it part of a scheduled allocation or revolving limit for the same
  recipient that the chairman is authorized by the board of directors to allocate, outstanding balance (thousand NTD)
  up to the date of occurrence, reason for new loan (thousand NTD):
  (1) The company name:Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd.
  (2) It's relationship with the Company:Our subsidiary of 100% direct investment.
  (3)Ceiling amount on the monetary loans extended(thousand NTD): NT$2,917,948.
  (4)Amount of loans originally extended(thousand NTD): NT$0.
  (5)Amount of the current additional loans(thousand NTD): NT$1,600,000.
  (6)Whether the board of directors authorizes the chairman to allocate loans in installments or revolving funds for
      the same loan and object:YES.
  (7)Total extended amount of loans(thousand NTD): NT$1,600,000.
  (8)The reason for loans as of the date of occurrence of the event: For operation.
3.For collaterals provided by the loan recipient, the content and the value (thousand NTD):None.
4.For the latest financial reports of the loan recipient, the capital (thousand NTD) and the cumulative gains/losses
   (thousand NTD):
   (1)Capital(thousand NTD):NT$6,782,773
   (2)Cumulative gains/losses(thousand NTD):-NT$3,543,724
5.Method of calculation of interest: The capital loan interest rate shall be calculated based on the average interest
   rate of the company's monthly USD short-term loan plus 5%.
6.For repayment, the condition and the date:
  (1)Condition:Due repayment.
  (2)Date:Not yet determined.
7.The amount of monetary loans extended to others as of the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$1,600,000.
8.The total amount of monetary loans extended to others as a percentage of the public company’s net worth on
   the latest financial statements as of the date of occurrence:5.48%
9.Sources of funds for the company to extend monetary loans to others:Others.
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:
  (1)The source of loaning funds is self-owned funding of the Company.
  (2)The amount of this loan was the credit line approved by the Board of Directors.
  (3)The exchange rate of USD was 32.00 from the end of March 2024.
  (4)The exchange rate of VND was 0.001283 from the end of March 2024.

2024/4/30 The event which we shall announce according to the Article 25 of Regulations Governing Loaning of Funds and Making of Endorsements/Guarantees by Public Companies.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/04/30
2.The public company whose balance of endorsements/guarantees reaches 50 percent or more of
   its net worth on the latest financial statements.Please specify name of endorsed/guaranteed company,
   relationship, reason for endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence, ceiling on endorsement
   /guarantee (thousand NTD), starting balance of endorsement/guarantee (thousand NTD), balance of
  endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence, amount accessed by endorsed company
  (thousand NTD), new endorsement/guarantee (thousand NTD) and the reason for new endorsement/guarantee:
   A. First
  (1)The company name:Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd.
  (2)It's relationship with the Company:Our subsidiary of 100% direct investment.
  (3)The reason for endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence: Bank financing line guarantees.
  (4)The ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees(thousand NTD): NT$14,589,742
  (5)Starting balance of endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD): NT$13,520,000
  (6) Balance of endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$15,120,000
  (7)Amount accessed by endorsed company (thousand NTD):NT$5,082,707
  (8)New endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):NT$1,600,000
  (9)Reason for new endorsements/guarantees:
      A.The bank loan contracts need to be renewed.
      B.In order to take the operations into account, increase financing line.
  (1)The company name:Fujian Tung Kang Steel Co.,Ltd.
  (2)It's relationship with the Company:Our subsidiary of 100% indirect investment by Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corp.
  (3)The reason for endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence: Bank financing line guarantees
  (4)The ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees(thousand NTD): NT$14,589,742
  (5)Starting balance of endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD): NT$18,976
  (6)Balance of endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$18,976
  (7)Amount accessed by endorsed company (thousand NTD):NT$18,976
  (8)New endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):NT$0
  (9)Reason for new endorsements/guarantees:None.
  (1)The company name:FUJIAN SINO-JAPAN METAL CORP.
  (2)It's relationship with the Company:Ultimate parent entity
  (3)The reason for endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence: Bank financing line guarantees
  (4)The ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees(thousand NTD): NT$14,589,742
  (5)Starting balance of endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD): NT$168,000
  (6)Balance of endorsements/guarantees up to the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$168,000
  (7)Amount accessed by endorsed company (thousand NTD):NT$168,000
  (8)New endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):NT$0
  (9)Reason for new endorsements/guarantees:None.
3.The total amount of the ceiling on endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD): NT$14,589,742
4.The total amount of endorsements/guarantees as of the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$15,306,976
5.As of the date of occurrence, the amount of endorsements/guarantees as a percentage of the public company’s
  net worth on the latest financial statements:52.46% 6.Any other matters that need to be specified:
  (1)The bank loan contracts of Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd. need to be renewed, and these cases were approved
      by our board of directors. Due to adopting the earlier time to make the announcement, therefore, the time of
      endorsements/guarantees were overlapped, In fact no more than 50% of net assets.
  (2)The exchange rate of USD was 32.00 from the end of March.2024.
  (3)The exchange rate of CNY was 4.408 from the end of March.2024.

2024/4/22 Announcement the date of the board of directors that will approve the company's consolidated financial report for the first quarter of 2024.

1.Date of a notice of the board of directors meeting is issued:2024/04/22
2.Expected date of the board of directors meeting is convened:2024/04/30
3.Expected year and quarter of the financial reports or the annual self-assessed financial information submitted
  to the board of directors or approved by the board of directors: Consolidated financial report for 2024 first quarter.
4.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/4/10 Announcement of important resolutions of the 2024 regular shareholders meeting on behalf of an important subsidiary Tung Kang Steel Structure Corp.

1.Date of the shareholders meeting:2024/04/10
2.Important resolutions (1)Profit distribution/ deficit compensation:Ratification of 2023 earnings distribution.
3.Important resolutions (2)Amendments to the corporate charter:None.
4.Important resolutions (3)Business report and financial statements: To approve admitting the business reports
   and financial statements of 2023.
5.Important resolutions (4)Elections for board of directors and supervisors:None.
6.Important resolutions (5)Any other proposals: Discussion of amendments to the ”Procedures of Derivatives Trading”.
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/4/10 The major subsidiary to announce resolution by the board of directors to determine the record date for distribution of dividends.

1.Date of the resolution by the board of directors or shareholders meeting or decision by the Company:2024/04/10
2.Type of ex-rights or ex-dividend (please enter: “Ex-rights”, ”Ex-dividend”, or ”Ex-rights and dividend”):Ex-dividend
3.Type and monetary amount of dividend distribution:
   (1)Type:Cash dividends.
   (2)Monetary amount of dividend distribution:NT$1,444,173,689 and pay NT$7 per share.
4.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) trading date:NA
5.Last date before book closure:2024/04/16
6.Book closure starting date:2024/04/17
7.Book closure ending date:2024/04/21
8.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) record date:2024/04/21
9.Any other matters that need to be specified:
   Cash Dividend payment date:2024/05/08

2024/4/9 To correct the amount of derivatives trading that our subsidiary announced for January 2024 to February 2024.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/04/09
2.Company name:Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corporation Limited.
3.Relationship with the Company (please enter ”the company itself” or ”subsidiaries”):subsidiaries.
4.Reciprocal shareholding percentage:Not applicable.
5.Cause of occurrence: To correct the amount of derivatives trading that our subsidiary announced for January 2024
   to February 2024.
6.Information items/ statements to be corrected: To correct the amount of derivatives trading that our subsidiary
   announced for January 2024 to February 2024.
     (1)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of non-write off
     (2)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/fair values of non-write off
     (3)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date unrealized profits of
         non-write off contracts.
     (4)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of offset contracts.
     (5)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date realized profits of offset
7.Amounts/ contents/ number of page to be corrected:
   January 2024
      (1)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of non-write off
          contract (thousand NTD):0
      (2)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/fair values of non-write off
          contract (thousand NTD):0
      (3)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date unrealized profits
          of non-write off contract (thousand NTD):0
      (4)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of offset contracts
          (thousand NTD):0
      (5)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date realized profits of
          offset contracts (thousand NTD):0
   February 2024
      (1)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of non-write off
          contract (thousand NTD):0
      (2)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/fair values of non-write off
          contract (thousand NTD):0
      (3)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date unrealized profits
          of non-write off contract (thousand NTD):0
      (4)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of offset contracts
          (thousand NTD):0
      (5)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date realized profits of
          offset contracts (thousand NTD):0
8.Amounts/ contents/ number of page after correction:
   January 2024
      (1)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of non-write off
          contract (thousand NTD):153,702
      (2)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/fair values of non-write off
          contract (thousand NTD):-981
      (3)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date unrealized profits of
          non-write off contract (thousand NTD):-981
      (4)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of offset contracts
          (thousand NTD):0
      (5)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date realized profits of
          offset contracts (thousand NTD):0
   February 2024
      (1)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of non-write off
          contract (thousand NTD):199,981
      (2)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/fair values of non-write off
          contract (thousand NTD):488
      (3)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date unrealized profits of
          non-write off contract (thousand NTD):488
      (4)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/total amount of offset contracts
          (thousand NTD):0
      (5)Non-holding for trading - Ineffective hedge accounting /forward contracts/year to date realized profits of
          offset contracts (thousand NTD):0
9.Countermeasures:After correcting the figure, we upload again to M.O.P.S.
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/03/25 The Company has been required by TWSE to announce the financial and business data according to the regulations

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/03/25
2.Cause of occurrence: The company received notification from Taiwan Stock Exchange Co., Ltd.
3.Financial and business information:
Period              Month                                   Quarter                                   Recent 4 quarter
--------       -----------------------------       ----------------------------            -----------------------------
                     Recent Month   Last year        Recent quarter     Last year             Q1 2023~Q4 2023
                        Feb. 2024    Feb. 2023          Q4 2023          Q4 2022
                     (Consolidated)                             (Review )                                            (Consolidated) 
                  ​     (unaudited)                                  (Audit)                                                    (Audit)    
-------------   -----------------  ------------       ----------------  -----------          -------------------------- 
Net Income               3,734       -17.57                    16,510          19.15                          60,962
Net profit                     308            -38.28                      1,671          35.63                           6,002        
Before tax
Net Profit                      236            -40.10                     1,344          61.54                           4,729
to Owners of
the Company
EPS                                0.32           -40.74                       1.84           61.40                            6.48

4.Any matters regarding to ”Taiwan stock exchange corporation procedure for verification and disclosure
   of material information of companies with listed securities” article 4 that need to be specified:None.
5.Any matters regarding to ”Taiwan stock exchange corporation procedure for verification and disclosure
   of material information of companies with listed securities” article 11 that need to be specified:None.
6.Please inquiry the items of financial Information on the website of MOPS, and the paths as follow:
       (1)Current sales revenue/income(loss): Summaries>Financial Information applicable after adopting IFRSs
       (2)Historic sales revenue per month:
              Operating Statements>Monthly Sales Revenue> Statement of Sales Revenue(after adopting IFRSs)
       (3)Historic income or loss(audited/reviewed by the CPA):
              Financial Statements> FINANCIAL STATEMENT after adopting IFRSs>Balance Sheet/Income Statement
       (4)Historic income or loss (self-assessed):
              Operating Statements>Self-assessed income or loss:
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/02/26 Announcement of the company's consolidated financial report for 2023 fourth quarter has been approved by the board of directors.

1.Date of submission to the board of directors or approval by the board of directors:2024/02/26
2.Date of approval by the audit committee:2024/02/26
3.Start and end dates of financial reports or annual self-assessed financial information of the reporting period
   (XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX): 2023/01/01~2023/12/31
4.Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):60,961,908
5.Gross profit (loss) from operations accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):8,646,193
6.Net operating income (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):5,998,700
7.Profit (loss) before tax accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):6,002,021
8.Profit (loss) accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):4,759,820
9.Profit (loss) during the period attributable to owners of parent accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period
  (thousand NTD):4,729,346
10.Basic earnings (loss) per share accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (NTD):6.48
11.Total assets end of the period (thousand NTD):56,378,880
12.Total liabilities end of the period (thousand NTD):25,217,702
13.Equity attributable to owners of parent end of the period (thousand NTD):31,048,280
14.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/02/26 The board of directors of Tung Ho Steel approved the date for convening 2024 Annual Shareholders' Meeting and related matters.

1.Date of the board of directors' resolution:2024/02/26
2.Shareholders meeting date:2024/05/24
3.Shareholders meeting location:
      (1)Miao-Li Factory of Tung Ho Steel Enterprise Corporation, No.22, Pingding, Erhu Village, ShiHwu Township, Miaoli County
          36842, Taiwan.
      (2)Time:09:30 A.M.
4.Shareholders' meeting will be held by means of (physical shareholders' meeting/ hybrid shareholders' meeting / virtual-only
   shareholders' meeting):physical shareholders' meeting
5.Cause for convening the meeting (1)Reported matters:
       A.Report on 2023 business report.
       B.Report on auditing 2023 financial statements by Audit Committees .
       C.Report on 2023 earnings is cash dividends distribution.
       D.Report on 2023 remuneration of distribution for employees and directors.
       E.Report on 2023 payment of remuneration of directors.
       F.Report on the communication condition between Audit Committees and the director of internal audit.
       G.Report on 2023 materiality transaction for related party.
       H.Report on amendments to the ”Rules of Procedure for Board of Directors Meetings ”.
        I.Report on amendments to the“Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles”.
6.Cause for convening the meeting (2)Acknowledged matters: A.Acknowledgement of the 2023 Business Report and Financial
   Statements. B.Acknowledgement of the 2023 Profit Distribution Proposal.
7.Cause for convening the meeting (3)Matters for Discussion: Discussion of amendments to the ”Procedures of Derivatives
8.Cause for convening the meeting (4)Election matters:None.
9.Cause for convening the meeting (5)Other Proposals:None.
10.Cause for convening the meeting (6)Extemporary Motions:None.
11.Book closure starting date:2024/03/26
12.Book closure ending date:2024/05/24
13.Any other matters that need to be specified: A.Shareholders' meeting notification will send to all shareholders in 30 days ago before shareholders' meeting. If shareholders won't receive the notification at the appointed time, please inquire by the stock agent department of Yuanta Securities Corp. TEL:+886-2-2586-5859 B.According to the Stock Exchange Act.(In Paragraph 2 of Article 26), when shareholders whose shareholding under 1,000 shares, the notice of shareholders' meeting can adopt the way of announcement. In addition, we won't send the shareholders' meeting notification to shareholders whose shareholding under 1,000 shares. C.Shareholders can exercise voting rights electronically on this shareholders' meeting.

2024/02/26 Resolution by the board of directors to determine the record date for distribution of dividends.

1.Date of the resolution by the board of directors or shareholders meeting or decision by the Company:2024/02/26
2.Type of ex-rights or ex-dividend (please enter: “Ex-rights”, ”Ex-dividend”, or ”Ex-rights and dividend”):Ex-dividend
3.Type and monetary amount of common stock dividend distribution:
     (1)Type:Cash dividends.
     (2)Monetary amount of dividend distribution:NT$3,066,898,036,and pay NT$4.20 per share.
4.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) trading date:2024/03/22
5.Last date before book closure:2024/03/25
6.Book closure starting date:2024/03/26
7.Book closure ending date:2024/03/30
8.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) record date:2024/03/30
9.Deadline for applying the conversion of the bond:None.
10.The closure period for the conversion of the bond will start from the date:None.
11.The closure period for the conversion of the bond will end on the date:None.
12.Payment date of common stock cash dividend distribution:2024/04/26
13.Any other matters that need to be specified:If thereafter, there are other reasons that affect the number of shares outstanding,
     and the interest rate of the allotted shares by shareholders changes as a result, the chairman of the board shall be authorized
     to adjust it.

2024/02/26 Resolution by the board of directors to make a donation to " Tung Ho Steel Foundation".

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/02/26
2.Reason for the donation:To execute some art-related events of steel carvings and conference funds.
3.Total amount of the donation:NTD 5.5 million, 120 tons of scrap steel.
4.Counterparty to the donation:Tung Ho Steel Foundation.
5.Relationship with the Company:The foundation is contributed by our company.
6.Name and resume of independent director(s) that expressed an objection or qualified opinion:None.
7.Objection or qualified opinion by the aforementioned independent director(s):None.
8.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/2/26 Resolution by the board of directors to distribute 2023 dividend .

1.Date of the board of directors resolution :2024/02/26
2.Year or quarter which dividends belong to:Year 2023
3.Period which dividends belong to:2023/01/01~2023/12/31
4.Appropriations of earnings in cash dividends to shareholders (NT$ per share):NT$4.2
5.Cash distributed from legal reserve and capital surplus to shareholders (NT$ per share):Nil
6.Total amount of cash distributed to shareholders (NT$):NT$3,066,898,036
7.Appropriations of earnings in stock dividends to shareholders (NT$ per share):Nil
8.Stock distributed from legal reserve and capital surplus to shareholders (NT$ per share):Nil
9.Total amount of stock distributed to shareholders (shares):Nil
10.Any other matters that need to be specified: The share distribution is tentatively setted at NT$ 4.20 per share, which is based on the allocation of shares of 730,213,818. If other reasons which will affect the number of outstanding shares, shareholders' dividends per share will be changed accordingly,and the Chairman shall be authorized to make adjustments.
11.Per value of common stock:NT$10

2024/02/26 The event which we shall announce according to the Article 25 of Regulations Governing Loaning of Funds and Making of Endorsements/Guarantees by Public Companies.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/02/26
2.For the company for whom the endorsements/guarantees were made, please specify name of endorsed/guaranteed company,
   its relationship with the Company providing endorsements/guarantees, the ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees
   (thousand NTD), the original amount of endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD), the amount of the current additional
   endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD), the amount of endorsements/guarantees as of the date of occurrence
   (thousand NTD), the actual loaned amount of the company for whom endorsements/guarantees were made (thousand NTD),
   and the reason for the current additional endorsements/guarantees:
    (1)The company name:Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd.
    (2)It's relationship with the Company:Our subsidiary of 100% direct investment.
    (3)The ceiling on the endorsements/guarantees(thousand NTD): NT$14,893,654
    (4)The original amount of endorsements/guarantees(thousand NTD): NT$11,968,425
    (5)The amount of the current additional endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD):NT$1,877,400
    (6)The amount of endorsements/guarantees as of the date of occurrence of the event(thousand NTD):NT$13,845,825
    (7)The actual loaned amount of the company who was made the endorsements /guarantees(thousand NTD):NT$4,956,909
    (8)The reason for the current additional endorsements/guarantees: The bank loan contracts of Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd.
        need to be renewed, and these cases were approved by our board of directors. Due to adopting the earlier time to make the
        announcement,therefore,the time of endorsements/guarantees were overlapped and reached the standard of the
3.For collaterals provided by the company for whom the endorsements/guarantees were made, the content and the value
   (thousand NTD): None.
4.For the latest financial statements of the company for whom the endorsements/guarantees were made, the Capital
   (thousand NTD) and Cumulative gains/losses (thousand NTD):
      (1)Capital(thousand NTD):NT$6,650,607
      (2)Cumulative gains/losses(thousand NTD):-NT$3,474,673
5.For termination of endorsement/guarantee obligations, the condition and the date:
      (1)Condition:When Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd. cancels the loan's facility with the bank, we can cancel it's responsibility
           of the guarantee.
      (2)Date:When Tung Ho Steel Vietnam Corp.,Ltd. cancels the loan's facility with the bank.
6.The total amount of the ceiling on endorsements/guarantees (thousand NTD): NT$14,893,654
7.The total amount of endorsements/guarantees as of the date of occurrence (thousand NTD):NT$14,034,056
8.The amount of endorsements/guarantees as a percentage of the public company’s net worth on the latest financial report as of
   the date of occurrence:47.11%
9.The aggregate amount of equity method investments, endorsements/guarantees, and monetary loans extended to others as a
   percentage of the public company’s net worth on the latest financial statements:60.54%
10.Any other matters that need to be specified: The exchange rate of USD was 31.29 from the end of January 2024. The exchange
     rate of CNY was 4.352 from the end of January 2024. The exchange rate of VND was 0.001258 from the end of January 2024.

2024 The subsidiary Tung Kang Steel Structure Corporation Resolution by the board of directors to distribute 2023 dividend.

1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2024/02/21
2.Type and monetary amount of dividend distribution:
  (1)Appropriations of earnings in cash dividends to shareholders (NT$ per share):NT$7.
  (2)Total amount of cash distributed to shareholders: NT$1,444,173,689.
3.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

2024/2/21 Announcement of the board of directors of approved the date for convening 2024 Annual Shareholders' Meeting and related matters about Tung Kang Steel Structure Corp.

1.Date of the board of directors' resolution:2024/02/21
2.Shareholders meeting date:2024/04/10
3.Shareholders meeting location: 9F.,No.9,Sec.1,Chang'an E.Rd.,Zhongshan Dist.,Taipei City,Taiwan.
   (Conference room of Tung Kang Steel Structure Corp.)
4.Cause for convening the meeting (1)Reported matters:  
  (1)Report on 2023 business report.
  (2)Report on auditing 2023 financial statements by Supervisors. 
  (3)Report on 2023 remuneration of distribution for employees and directors.
5.Cause for convening the meeting (2)Acknowledged matters: 
  (1)Acknowledgement of the 2023 Business Report and Financial Statements.
  (2)Acknowledgement of the 2023 Profit Distribution Proposal.
6.Cause for convening the meeting (3)Matters for Discussion: Discussion of amendments to the
”Procedures of Derivatives Trading”.
7.Cause for convening the meeting (4)Election matters:None.
8.Cause for convening the meeting (5)Other Proposals:None.
9.Cause for convening the meeting (6)Extemporary Motions:None.
10.Book closure starting date:2024/03/12
11.Book closure ending date:2024/04/10
12.Any other matters that need to be specified:
In accordance with Article 172-1 of the Company Law, it is proposed that from 2024/02/23 to 2024/03/04
before 9:00 a.m., The company's Finance and Accounting Department will accept proposal by
paper from shareholders holding more than 1% of the shares.
(Postal address: 6F.,No.9,Sec.1,Chang'an E.Rd., Zhongshan Dist.,Taipei City,Taiwan.)

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